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It can be difficult to open up and share personal information about such heavy, private topics. That is why I am here to help guide you every step of the way.
Understandably you may have a few questions, especially if it is your first time, or you've had a bad experience in the past. Take a minute to look at my most frequently asked questions.
If you don't see an answer to your question, get in touch and I would be more than happy to help.
Head to my Services Page to book your reading today. 🔮🤎✨

HOW SHOULD I PREPARE?In preparation for our appointment, please take some time to focus on what questions you may want answered. It's okay if you're not sure, but it's easier if you know what answers you're looking for. That doesn't guarantee an answer, but if can help navigate the reading. Try to center yourself by lighting a candle, meditating, or just sitting in a safe space. Also please identify any physical ailments you many have that are currently causing you pain. After the reading, have a cup of tea ready to drink, or do an activity that makes you feel calm. This will be a time of reflection and processing things you may not have been prepared for. You may also feel tired after the reading. During readings the energies around you are being pulled, and can be easily draining. Also come with an OPEN MIND and an OPEN HEART!
WHY SHOULD I TAKE NOTES?I WILL NOT remember anything from your reading because the messages you receive are for you, and for you alone. I also cleanse myself of your energy as soon as the reading is completed so I wouldn't be able to tap in later on. Make sure you are writing down EVERYTHING, big or small, it may make sense to you later if it doesn't resonate now. Trust me, you're going to want to write this stuff down.
WHAT IS YOUR PROCESS?First I cleanse the cards (before and after every use), then I ask you to choose the first deck you feel drawn to. If we are in person, I will ask you to hold the decks, if not, I will do it for you and just ask you to focus your energy on the decks you see. Next I ask your permission to tap into your Guides to assist me in delivering the messages you need to receive. Then I respectfully ask your Ancestors and Guardians to come forward. Usually I will ask one to step forward as the spokesperson. As we go through the reading, please take notes for reference later. Feel free to stop me during any part to ask questions. After the reading is completed, I thank your Ancestors for joining us and continuing to guide you, and disconnect.
WHY IS "FREE WILL" SUCH AN IMPORTANT ASPECT OF THIS?The greatest gift Source gave us is Free Will. Most of the major sins involve infringing on someone else's Free Will. I cannot tell you what to do, and I cannot tell you EXACTLY what someone else is going to do. Our work centers around what energies are already around you. Because we are also subject to other people's Free Will, nothing is set in stone, and therefore, subject to change. I will never tell you want to do, or judge whatever decisions you make for yourself. My job is to simply provide you with messages and help you find your own answers.
HOW WILL I KNOW IF YOU'RE TELLING THE TRUTH?My favorite Clients are my skeptics. Usually if I start a reading and your Guides tell me you are not being receptive, they will tell me something to confirm for you that this is not a scam.
WHAT IF YOU CAN'T CONNECT WITH MY GUIDES?I have honestly never had an issue with connecting to someone's Guides. Even if I struggle a little in the beginning, it will eventually come through. In the event I cannot connect, my policy is to provide a full refund.
WHAT IF I WANT TO SPEAK TO A SPECIFIC ANCESTOR?Like in this existence, your Ancestors can also make choices. I can always ask someone to come forward, but keep in mind they can decide if they want to or not. I have never had an Ancestor say no, but I do like to prepare my clients for the possibility.
WHAT IF YOU BRING UP A TOPIC I DON'T WANT TO DISCUSS?I am very respectful of you wishes, but keep in mind, your Guides wouldn't bring up a topic they didn't feel like you were ready to discuss or address immediately. Regardless, above all else I respect Free Will.
WHAT IF I PURCHASE A CAREER READING AND MY GUIDES WANT TO TALK ABOUT SOMETHING ELSE?Your Guides' only job is to look out for your best interest. If you are not getting career messages, it is most likely because your Guides do not believe that's where you should be focused. It is your Free Will decision to continue or not. I can only deliver the messages that are sent to me. Since this is not an issue of resonance, I will not be offering a refund under this circumstance.
ARE MY READINGS CONFIDENTIAL?ABSOLUTELY! Gossip is a low vibrational activity that I have no interest in. Our conversations will always stay private, including any notes I make for myself.
WHAT MAKES YOU DIFFERENT FROM OTHER READERS?I am not a Tarot Reader, I am an Intuitive that uses tarot cards. The biggest difference being tarot readers tend to memorize the cards meanings in order to do their readings, I let my Psychic Senses tell me what I need to know and use the cards to provide clear messages. I have all of the clair senses in varying degrees; claircognizance, or psychic knowing, is by far my strongest sense. I also offer a full refund if I cannot connect with your Guides.
HOW OFTEN SHOULD I GET READINGS?I would suggest no less than 2 -3 months. This gives the energy around you enough time to change so that I can give you new messages. But also your Guides can get annoyed, and may stop talking if you keep asking them to answer the same questions they've already answered. I want what's best for my Clients, not my pockets. If your Guides do not instruct you to come back before then, I reserve the right to cancel your appointment.
WHO DO YOU PRAY TO?I know there are a lot of people who are fearful of trying this because they aren't sure if this is against God. I can assure you that I am praying to the same God you are, just in a different way. No way is better than the other, just different. What I do is beyond institutional religions. My gifts are good because I use them for good. Like with anything, nothing is innately good or bad, it all depends on how you use it. I don't identify with one religion because religion is supposed to help guide you to God. I go directly to Source.
WHO ARE MY GUIDES?Guides are your Ancestors, Guardian Angels, and many other levels of Beings meant to help you on your Journey in this lifetime. Their purpose is to help you reach your Life's Purpose and elevate your mind to understand Source.
WHY DON'T YOU SAY "GOD"?I grew up Catholic so the idea of God has already been defined in my mind. I prefer to use different words interchangeably, such as Source or Spirit. All are in reference to the Most High, but I try to stray away from gender specific identifications of God, which to me limits the limitless.
WHAT IF I DON'T SHARE YOUR BELIEFS?You don't have to share in my Beliefs or believe in my abilities to book a reading. All I ask is that you respect my Beliefs in the same way I will respect yours.
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